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Monday, April 9, 2012

Utterly useless random facts about me (because i'm bored)

I'm texturephobic, and i'm pretty sure that's not the correct name for it. LOL For instance, i like pumpkin pie, but won't eat it because, to me, the texture of it doesn't match the taste. LOL I LOVE coffee, but can't stand it cold; to the point where i have to spit it out, i can't bring myself to swallow it. LOL Same goes for touching things.

I am one of the least observant, uncoordinated people i know. LOL

I have a metal plate in my chin and i can feel the screws from the inside of my mouth.

Though i don't consider myself to be clostrephobic, i freak the hell out if something is against my nose.

I swear. ALOT.

I'd love to move to the midwest and buy a big ranch with a bunch of horses.

I'm suppose to wear glasses when i read but haven't since i was in elementary school because i can't stand that my eyelashes are long enough that they rub against the lenses. I don't wear sunglasses for basically the same reason.

I remember the stupidest shit, but if it's something WORTH remembering, sure as shit i'll forget. In other words, i'm full of useless information. Atleast that's what my husbands says. LOL

I am horribly impatient.