A couple years ago, i was diognosed with having endometriosis. It's a very, VERY painful condition where the inside of a womans uterus, for some reason or another, decides to grow on places outside of the uterus. It makes having a period extreamly painful, i like refer to it as going through labor every month with out having a child in the end to make the pain worth it. It also makes getting pregnant very hard or impossible for some women due to the scar tissue it creates. There are was to control it and even "dry it up", one way is being pregnant, this helped me for about a year. Being on birthcontrol helps some women too, but it never did help me. The past couple months have been hell for me though, i think it's coming back 10 fold, making up for lost time when i was pregnant. Which really stinks when you think you still want to have kids and know that you're running out of time, if you haven't run out already. I kinda feel, in the back of my mind, that i have already run out of time to have another baby. Yet, the thought of having a hystorectomy scares me because, what if i DO still have time left. Although, at this very moment, i don't care. I want my lady parts gone and i do not care. After all, it feels as though they're being twisted and riped out of me anyways. It makes me unbelievabley miserable. I don't even want to so much as get out of bed, other than maybe to sit on the toilet.
Hugs! Thinking of you.