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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanks and Giving

The words Thanks and Giving combine this time of year to create Thanksgiving. But with all the hustle and bustle that envelopes the holiday seasons, have we forgotten what it truely means to give not only our thanks, but the latter part of the word, giving. Sure, once a year we nastaligically gather `round the table with family and friends to reflect upon what we are thankful for. Continuing once more, family traditions that have been passed down through the years, all the while trying to incorperate a little bit of what we want our children to pass down to theirs. But the giving part, that seems to so often get over looked. Sure, we give the person in front of us at the grocery store a harsh look when they're taking too long to put their groceries up. We're all to quick to give the finger when the person driving in front of us isn't going fast enough. After all, we have places to go too, ya know. I remember a time when Christmas came after Thanksgiving. Anymore, we Americans seem to have capitalized upon the words Thanksgiving and Christmas and instead of fully celebrating the holliday at hand, we're forced to rush through one to get to the other. And how can we not when, before Halloween is even upon us, the Thanksgiving decorations are placed out in stores. Soon to follow is the Christmas stuff. And it's just that, stuff. More junk you feel the need to buy to decorate your house because, well let's be honest, it's cute. We're ALL guilty of it. As soon as the Thanksgiving table clears, we whipping out the Christmas crap. People seem to get so upset now a days when others refer to this time of year as "The Holidays". Christians get down right pissed when someone wishes them Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Sighting that it's because Americans, as a whole, don't want to offend any other religion. That is simply not true in my opinion. Everyone who purchases their Thanksgiving decor in October or their Christmas tree in November has helped to push a nation towards refering to this time as "The Holidays". It's also easier to say "happy holidays" from now until after Christmas, instead of "happy Thanksgiving" and a month later "merry Christmas". Us Americans aren't refered to as lazy for no reason, after all. Could it be that with the comercialization of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we seemingly have forgotten what the "giving" is supposed to mean? I think so. It seems as though instead of passing down traditions full of good tidings and giving back what has made us so thankful, we're passing down to our children the notion that "things" are what makes this time of year so special. We're not all guilty of it all the time, but this time of year we all seem so busy that it's just easier to let the giving part slide. It's easier to go to the store and pick out a pretty center piece for the kitchen table, instead of letting our kids take part in the traditions by making something on their own. It's easier to pass by the Salvation Army bell ringer because we must rush home to wrap the presents.

Right now, everone seems to focus soley on what they are thankful for. And we all know that everyone is thankful for something. But yet, we seem to have to make it known. How about, instead of voicing what we are thankful for this year as we sit down to eat some turkey, we make it clear what we plan to give back. So that, next year, what we have given back will be what someone less fortunate is thankful for. And instead of rushing through one holiday to get to the next, we take the time to savor the true meaning of the holiday at hand. Believe me, i know it's hard, hell, we have atleast 3 different places to go on Thanksgiving alone. And it's hard to just take the time to enjoy each tradition alone, when you're thinking about the place you have to go to next. But, i know this year i'm really gonna try. And who knows, maybe this will be the tradition we incorperate, the one we make our own. Taking a lesson from all children, and that is to enjoy the moment at hand. To give back something we all have, ourself.

As for me and my giving, there's a program i recently came across which uses photographers and a little stuffed puppy. They use them to take photographs of families or children who may not have the gift of a simple portrait. Their photo is taken holding the puppy and it is printed and given to them on the spot, for free. They keep the puppy and portrait as momento that, someone, somewhere, believes that everyone deserves atleast one picture of their children or family. That is also my philosophy. Some people may think i'm crazy when i say that i do not ask to be payed, but to me, having pictures of your children or family shouldn't be a luxury that only those with money can afford. I work for the simple price of a smile. It's just one of the ways i find simple and easy to give back.

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